Progress update and discussion

Mini Progress update:

Torque: Getting just a tad further along. I took time to focus a little bit on world building and looking at previous information I had down from years ago. I'll have to decide if it's relevant to the current or any future plots. My plan is to finish chapter 3 (2/3) and chapter 4 this month. I hope to be at chapter 5 by November and NANOWRIMO.

Ghost Kings: Ideas are still developing for this short story. I will post the first ‘chapter’ by Oct. 16.

Spirits: I’ve started writing the point of view for one of the characters, but it was difficult to move forward with it. I’ll need to do more world building before continuing.


Finding the right writing routine is difficult. Trust me. Any blog site or writing site that I go to seems to mention a routine and how it seems to produce the end product.But I’m curious how this ‘routine’ works for others. Are you more likely to write on your own time or schedule in advance? Sound off below!

What’s next?

I’ll be writing about the importance of characters of color, a review on Scrivener writing app and hopefully a video on face casting.

Until next time,

XO Arisa


Halfway there


A top of a hill in Detroit