Third to First | Progress Update

As some of you may know I am writing a novel, struggling, but I'm moving along. Back in December, toward the end of my end of my winter break, my portfolio director told me to switch my third person to first person.

It would make the readers feel more connected with my main character, Cori. He also noted that it might make it easier to do world building, so the reader doesn't feel so lost.But before he suggested first person, he asked me if Torque was in ever written in first person. Funny enough, he was right when he asked. When I first wrote Torque, Cori was eighteen years old and at that time I was way younger. She had a juvenile perspective.

I didn't want that last draft because I wanted her to seem older, so I wrote the story in third person.  But I guess I when I did that I lost the close connection that Cori could have with the reader.

Currently, I am having a hard time getting back into Cori's headspace.  I think it's because it's been years since I was there and I've made so many changes to Cori as a character that it's hard for me to figure out her voice.

I'm still going to push through this and do my best to finish at least three chapters by the end of March, so my portfolio reader can take a look at it.

I'll do another post sometime in the next two weeks, depending on how busy I am. Let's hope I'm not too busy.


Torque | PU via pictures

