Writing Goals via Planner
A couple of weeks ago I started making writings goals. And they've already failed, which sucks because I want to finish my novel by the end of the year or at least half of it.In my planner I put word goals - of how many I would achieve a day starting Monday and ending Saturday. I decided that Sunday was my rest day.I was doing well for a couple of days after I started - I was ahead of my writing goal for a day or two and close to getting to Sunday's total word count.I hate making excuses on why they fell off the wagon. So, I won't. I will start again this Monday. 50 words per day for at least a week and a half.It'll be less overwhelming when I think about the finished product. Would you rather look at 50 words per day or 600 words by a certain day. It will be easier to focus on a small amount.And yes, 50 words per day is really small and seems like you'll be getting no where, but I stand by what I said about it being less intimidating.If you have writing goals/ plans comment below what you do.XO ArisaRecent Posts:Character Profile | Cori Baudin-WoodsRomance and AgessWriting Playlists and Music